Frequently asked questions
A green solution from us is more reliable then you think! We safeguard the entire process, in this section we answer the Frequently Asked Questions regarding the lightwegiht green roofs, Click ‘n Go roofs and the SemperGreenwall!

Green roofs Australia
Is my roof compatible for a green roof?
Most steel and concrete roofs are perfectly suited to our green roof solutions. Clay or slate tiled roof technically can be adapted to support a green roof though it is more complex. Contact our friendly staff to see which solution may best suit your project.
How much does a green roof weigh?
For a flat green roof (pitch: 0 to 5 degrees), the system structure thickness including sedum has a thickness of 140 to 160 mm, the saturated weight is 130 to 155 kg/m2.
The lightweight green roof (pitch: 0-15degrees), system structure thickness including sedum is 110 to 130 mm, the saturated weight is 85-110 km/m2.
How thick is the structure of the green roof?
The thickness of the green roof will depend on the weight load capacity of your roof. Most systems use a 30mm drainage cell and our sedum blankets are 25mm thick. The thickness of soil can be tailored to suit your project needs.
Do the green roofs require irrigation?
For most of the year our green roof do not require irrigation, however due to our very warm summers we recommend irrigation systems be installed to enable the best plant health.
Does it require a lot of maintenance?
For many years we have been trialling and testing various plants species to will thrive in our harsh weather conditions. The result are green roof solutions that are very tolerant to various climates and require a minimal maintenance of 2 visits per year.
Can a green roof be applied on a sloped and pitched roof?
Yes, we do have the technology to apply our green roofs to slopes and pitched roofs up to 40 degrees. Contact us for further information.
Why should you go for a green roof from Sempergreen Australia?
You really are getting the best of both worlds when you choose a solution from us. Backed by years of experience from our international partners combined with years of local knowledge you are selecting the best possible products from world industry leaders, passionate about greening our built environment.
What is a Click ‘n Go tray?
These are plastic trays cleverly designed to support sedum plants in a low profile or reduced weight scenario. The trays interlink with each other in a modular way and each have the ability to store some water for the plants. The trays are very easy to use and install and the results are instantaneous.
Is it possible to have a green roof with solar?
The benefits of increased performance of the Solar panels when placed with green roofs is well known and documented. Many of our solutions can be adapted to work with and around various types of solar panel equipment.

Green living walls in australia
General questions
How is a SemperGreenwall built?
The Sempergreenwall is built around the aptly named “Flexipanel”. These modular panels use commercial grade technology to provide the best growing conditions for the widest range of plant species. The Flexipanel can be adjusted in size to perfectly fit into your project space.
Why choose for a Sempergreen Flexipanel
Flexipanels are ‘pillows’ that connect each panel to the next both vertically and horizontally. This allows the plant’s roots to migrate into all directions instead of confining them to a box.
Using the Flexipanels ensure healthier plant growth and is aesthetically more streamlined than cheap bucket systems.
Why does Sempergreen use mineral wool and not use soil like others do?
Mineral wool is a product that disperses moisture throughout the profile with its strong capillary forces that are equal or close to gravitational forces. The fine fibres of the mineral wool attract and hold water, yet when the plant roots want to absorb the water; they readily release it to the plant. Soil based systems are organic and will wash out, blow away, are picked up by birds, or decompose over time (3-5 years). Furthermore, soil is not good in the fight against gravitational forces and will shrink over time; causing vertical rivers that allow the water to ‘fall out’. Due to the issues with using soil, we choose a material that will last for 40+ years and not change its characteristics in regards to water management or structural capacity.
Can I apply a SemperGreenwall to any surface?
Yes, our system can be tailored to suit any wall that can support 45kgm2, even curved walls and elevated surfaces. In order to anchor the wall, the vertical battens, on which the Flexipanels hang, need to be able to be secured to the wall with a screw or bolt every 300-500mm vertically. Therefore, the wall needs to be able to anchor these fasteners and hold the weight of the system that is transferred to the screws or bolts.
How much does a SemperGreenwall weigh?
The saturated weight per square meter is 45kg
How much water does a SemperGreenwall use per m2?
Our green wall system only uses between 1.8-2ltr per square per day and the irrigation systems can be fine-tuned to minimise water usage and avoid wastage.
Plant design
Can I choose any plants in my SemperGreenwall ?
There is a big difference in indoor vs outdoor plants. There is even the possibility to have different patterns and/or logos, symbols within your green wall. Generally, our experienced team we will suggest a series of recommended plants to you, that we know perform well in the green wall and that will work with your design criteria.
How big are the plants upon installation of the living green wall?
We offer a healthy 90 to 95% coverage from the start, or when your green wall is installed. The plants are pre-grown in our nursery and this will take between 2-6 months. The amount of growing time required though may be longer due to seasonal influences or plant selection.
What are the light requirements for an Interior SemperGreenwall?
An Interior SemperGreenwall requires a light source from above that falls onto the top of the plant leaf. This light source should provide 800-1200 LUX.
Who designs the lighting system?
You will need to provide a lighting designer. Sempergreen will provide your lighting designer with the required light volume and intensity parameters. They in turn will need to provide a ‘light intensity map’ with
corresponding light levels per sqft based on the physical layout of the wall. Once Sempergreen approves the ‘light intensity map’, the green wall designer can incorporate hardgoods into the design that match the
approved light levels.
Can I apply a SemperGreenwall to any surface? What are the weight requirements per sqft?
A SemperGreenwall can be installed on any surface, provided that, the surface meets anchoring requirements and is able to hold the weight of the wall which is approximately 9-10lbs/sqft or 45kg/m2. In order to anchor the wall, the vertical omega profiles, on which the Flexipanels hang, needs to be able to be secured to the wall with a screw or bolt every 2-3 vertical feet. Therefore, the wall needs to be able to anchor these fasteners and hold the weight of the system that is transferred to the screws or bolts.
Do I need to supply drains below the wall?
Yes, the gutter below the wall needs to have at least 1 drain with a 2” diameter, and it is smarter to always have two drains in case one of the drains gets clogged up with plant debris. Larger green walls may need additional drains. The exact locations of the drains required will be noted on the shop drawings created by Sempergreen.
How much lead time does Sempergreen need before installing?
Sempergreen needs at least 4 to 6 months of growing time from the day we receive the down payment, to the date of final expected installation. The amount of growing time required though may be longer due to seasonal influences or plant selection. If you require your green wall install to occur sooner, we may need to start with much larger plants which will increase the cost of the green wall. So, the way to save on purchase costs is to give us more lead-time so we can start with smaller and cheaper plants as this has a big impact on the cost price of the total green wall.
How much maintenance does a green wall require?
Sempergreen or its licensed installers will visit the green wall 7-12 times per year. Twice a year the SemperGreenwall will be pruned; in the spring, we apply a hard pruning that keeps the plants orderly and in
the fall we will do a light pruning. Autumn pruning is done lightly because the plant uses winter foliage to protect itself from the harsh weather and often energy is stored in the above ground stems and leaves that is available to the plant during times of stress (winter). The other 5-9 visits are check-ups and clean up visits where we will manicure the green wall, double check equipment functioning, inspect the system for leaks or any other issues, and evaluate plant health and potential insect problems that may need to be addressed. Once more, happy plants mean less disease and less insect problems, and Sempergreen Flexipanels are the only green wall components that allow for plants to grow just like if they were in the garden.
Can I do my own maintenance and management?
Generally, we would advise that Sempergreen monitors all of the green walls they install in order to ensure that they are maintained properly and up to the Sempergreen standards.
How often do you visit a SemperGreenwall for maintenance?
Sempergreen or its licensed installers will visit the green wall 7-9 times per year. Twice a year the SemperGreenwall will be pruned; in the spring, we apply a hard pruning that keeps the plants orderly and in
the fall we will do a light pruning. Fall pruning is done lightly because the plant uses winter foliage to protect itself from the harsh weather and often energy is stored in the above ground stems and leaves that is available to the plant during times of stress (winter). The other 5-7 visits are check-ups and cleanup visits where we will manicure the green wall, double check equipment functioning, inspect the system for leaks or any other issues, and evaluate plant health and potential insect problems that may need to be addressed. Once more, happy plants mean less disease and less insect problems, and Sempergreen Flexipanels are the only green wall components that allow for plants to grow just like if they were in the garden.